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IFLA Advisory Committee on Standards Symposium

March 17-20, 2025

National Library of Greece, Athens

The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) organizes the prestigious Symposium on Metadata, a key event dedicated to the theme: “Metadata Standards Matter: Building a Sustainable Future for Information.”

This event represents a strategic opportunity for professionals, industry experts, researchers, and scholars, offering a platform for discussion on the latest developments in metadata standards and their impact on building a sustainable information ecosystem.

The event fosters a collaborative environment where innovative ideas and solutions are at the center of the debate, with particular focus on two key themes:

  • Technological Innovation and Metadata: exploring technological advancements that support metadata standards, with a focus on emerging technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), and their impact on the creation, management, and dissemination of metadata
  • Accessibility and Inclusion: analyzing the crucial role of metadata standards in improving information accessibility, breaking down barriers, and ensuring equitable and inclusive access to digital data

March 19

Tiziana Possemato (@CULT), as a member of the IFLA National Bibliographies Section and chair of the National Bibliographies and New Technologies Group, along with Xiaoli Li and Kalliopi Mathios, will present:

BIBFRAME Interoperability Group: Tackling Implementation Challenges Across Institutions

The growing adoption of BIBFRAME (Bibliographic Framework Initiative) by libraries and cultural heritage institutions is facing a crucial challenge: interoperability between different implementations.

BIBFRAME aims to modernize bibliographic data through Linked Data principles, enhancing data connections and promoting more flexible sharing between systems.

However, to ensure effectiveness in diverse environments, greater consistency in the application of standards is required.

To address this need, the BIBFRAME Interoperability Group (BIG) was established in June 2022 under the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC).

The group, which includes thirteen prominent organizations, such as national libraries, OCLC, Share-VDE, and universities, has the main goal of creating guidelines to ensure the consistent and accurate sharing of BIBFRAME data on a global scale, as well as developing the necessary tools for large-scale adoption.

We look forward to sharing progress at the upcoming symposium and continuing to actively engage in the innovation processes within the sector.


Stelline Conference 2025

2:40 PM - 3:15 PM

Sala Crocetti

Piazza Città di Lombardia (Milan)

Access by reservation – Register HERE

Linked Data and Linked Libraries – Collaborative Experiences Between Library Networks and New Bibliographic Models

(Tiziana Possemato - @Cult, Anna Lionetti - Casalini Libri, Claudio Forziati - University of Naples Federico II)

In the international context of cooperative bibliographic data management, the Italian initiatives SHARE Catalogue and Parsifal represent a collaborative model between library networks, developing innovative tools for data management and shared platforms.

Both part of the well-established Share Family – an international ecosystem based on cooperation for managing linked data platforms – these initiatives have implemented advanced linked data systems and entity discovery solutions.

The goal? To facilitate data exchange and interoperability of bibliographic records, improving access to resources for users and optimizing librarians’ workflows.

Among the most significant achievements, Parsifal has developed a shared system for authority data management, while SHARE Catalogue has carried out a key mapping from UNIMARC to BIBFRAME thanks to an inter-university team.

These advancements confirm the importance of the Share Family’s collaborative practices, essential for effectively representing cultural resources on the web while ensuring quality, information reuse, and long-term sustainability.


Wikidata and research

Wikidata and research

June 5-6, 2025

University of Florence

We will present the talk: Mapping UNIMARC to BIBFRAME: The SHARE Catalogue Knowledge Base on

(Alessandra Moi - @CULT / University of Milano-Bicocca; Claudio Forziati - University of Naples Federico II)


The SHARE Catalogue Mapping Knowledge Base is a project aimed at representing the mapping created by the SHARE Catalogue technical group, with its advanced representation of bibliographic entities and the Linked Data Editor.

In accordance with the principles of openness and interoperability of the Share Family, the technical group has chosen Wikibase technology to make the mapping accessible for widespread use within the professional and research community.


Systemic Library 2024: Digital Maturity of Libraries

The event, aimed at information experts and librarians, addresses the development and application of information systems in the context of the digital transformation of libraries and heritage institutions, emphasizing the importance of an interdisciplinary approach.

Key topics include:

  • The impact of artificial intelligence;
  • Development of new library technology concepts;
  • Development of standards and formats for knowledge processing;
  • Linked data: standards and ontologies, application of semantic infrastructures, data reuse.

Tiziana Possemato will present: The Share Family Initiative for National Bibliographies in Linked Open Data: A Global Hub for Authoritative Knowledge Sharing


[Webinar] Linked Open Bibliographies: Exposing, Linking, Reusing

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

3:00 – 5:00 pm CET (GMT/UTC +1)

Online (Zoom)

The webinar provides a forum for National Libraries and Bibliographic Agencies to share their experiences, insights, and showcase advancements in working with linked open data.

Expert presentations will explore innovative projects, practical experiences, technical choices, the latest trends, and recommendations on linked open data as it relates to national bibliographic and authority data.

Thurstan Young (British Library) and Anna Lionetti (Casalini Libri/Share Family) will present:

The British National Bibliography Experience in the Share Family Linked Open Data Environment

HERE to register


DCMI 2024

Wednesday, October 23

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM EDT

Andrea Gazzarini (SpazioCodice SRL) will present:

Leveraging Linked Data Fragments for enhanced data publication: the Share-VDE case study

In the Big Data era, the efficient management of large datasets is becoming an increasingly critical challenge.

In this context, Linked Data Fragments (LDF) are emerging as an innovative solution, offering a distributed and scalable approach to Linked Data publication and distribution.

As part of the Share-VDE initiative, we have developed a set of Web APIs based on LDF, which provide significant benefits, including:

  • real-time RDF generation and publication;
  • on-demand ontology mapping;
  • multi-provenance management.

With the introduction of an RDF API layer based on the innovative concept of Linked Data Fragments, our work is increasingly focused on facilitating the production and consumption of Linked Data, benefiting the dissemination and sharing of global culture.



JCricket and the Integration with Alma ILS

LD4 2024 Conference - Building Community for Linked Open Data

Friday, October 11, 3:46pm - 3:55pm EDT

Jim Hahn, Head of Metadata Research for the Penn Libraries, will present:

Integration of the Share Family Entity Editor and the Alma ILS

In this presentation, he will address the need for catalogers to have the ability to curate or align data from the Alma ILS with Share Family LOD platform clusters, now made possible through JCricket.

HERE more information, or for those interested in attending the session.



For us, even before the relationships between data, those between people and industry professionals are important; that's why every product or solution we develop is, above all, useful!

The JCricket LOD Platform Entity Editor allows professional librarians to improve the quality of the output of data generated automatically from the transformation of MARC records into BIBFRAME descriptions.

In particular, within the framework of the international project SHARE VDE it is functional to the enhancement of the Entity Knowledge Base; an evolving authority source produced through data aggregation processes from participating institutions, consisting of over 150 million BIBFRAME entities, which is constantly updated.


BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2024

We are pleased to announce the start of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, hosted this year by the National Library of Finland.

On Tuesday, September 17, from 11:25 AM to 12:05 PM, @CULT and Casalini Libri will present: "Share Family: advancements in linked data collaboration," by Tiziana Possemato and Serena Cericola.

During the session, the following will be showcased:

  • updates on Share Family, the international library-led initiative that facilitates the implementation of linked data, supporting consortia and individual institutions in the creation, management, and discovery of linked open data through advanced tools that connect bibliographic catalogs and authority files;
  • JCricket, the innovative collaborative tool for editing linked data in shared environments by institutions participating in the project, allowing for the editing, control, and enhancement of data quality derived from the conversion from MARC to BIBFRAME;
  • use cases for adopting the JCricket and Share Family tools not only in their native environment but also in local library ILS/LSO systems (e.g., FOLIO, Alma) and other linked data systems (e.g., LD4P Sinopia), thus promoting collaborative resource management.

Participation is free with prior registration at this LINK

As usual, the presentations will be available on the portal:


WOLFcon 2024 - MARC My Words: Navigating the BIBFRAME Frontier

The library global library community is still experimenting and exploring what will replace MARC-based copy cataloging as the cataloging paradigm of the future.

FOLIO’s bibliographic data model has been intended to lend itself well to this exploration, and we have already seen multiple pathways developed and in production.

While BIBFRAME stands as the most likely replacement for MARC today, this change challenges lots of existing library practices and working relationships with vendors, etc.

Lehigh University, the Share-VDE (SVDE) technical team, and Index Data have embarked on a project to bridge the gap between traditional cataloging workflows and emerging, collaborative entity management practices through the integration of FOLIO and SVDE.

This initiative aims to facilitate a hybrid cataloging environment that retains support for existing MARC-based integrations while developing the flexibility and interconnectedness offered by BIBFRAME.

By automating the replication of MARCrecords and SVDE-maintained entities, this project not only enhances the metadata management capabilities of libraries but also paves the way for seamless collaborative cataloging within the SVDE community.

The proposed solution offers a dual-pathway approach, allowing different records to maintain their own source of truth in FOLIO’s inventory app, thereby supporting a pragmatic, stepwise transition towards a linked data ecosystem.


With Parsifal a catalogue to share recorded knowledge

The S.I.R. Information Agency published an article dedicated to the publication, within the series "Biblioteche & Bibliotecari" directed by Prof. Mauro Guerrini, of the work 'Parsifal. A model of library collaboration for sharing recorded knowledge'.

A publication created to commemorate the inaugural day of the Parsifal catalogue held on 11 May 2023 in the Aula Magna named after John Paul II at the Pontifical Urbanian University; a project realised by @CULT, Casalini Libri S.p.A. Group, and Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche (Urbe).

Press release


ALA Annual Conference

We are pleased to announce the Share Family Workshop that will be held on Monday, July 1st at 8.30am – 10am Pacific US Daylight Time | 5.30pm – 7pm Central European Summer Time, at ALA Conference 2024 in San Diego (Location: Marriott Marquis Hotel, Grand Ballroom Section 02).

The meeting is free and open and will be held in hybrid format, both in person and online.

For those who can join the session in person, please note that the physical meeting room can accommodate up to 80 people.

The link to register to the Zoom webinar is

After registering, you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the meeting.

The session will be recorded, and the presentation materials will be shared after the event.

The previous Share-VDE Workshop at ALA Conference 2023 in Chicago provided an overview on Share-VDE and Share Family background, with a focus on the progress of the use cases and models for participation that inform the benefits that the common Share Family LOD Platform technology supports, and a première demo of JCricket Entity Editor supporting collective entity management in shared linked data environments (slides and recording available).

This year, we are happy to share major updates on the tools that the Share Family LOD Platform technology makes available to libraries, consortia and cultural heritage institutions to enable linked data interoperability.

The program includes:

  • the evolution of JCricket Entity Editor as a working tool that has been released to members of the Share-VDE and Share Family initiatives for linked data editing and entity sharing;
  • the progress of the SVDE Ontology, modelling the backbone of the LOD Platform data structure and enabling interoperability across linked data formats;
  • opportunities for the integration of Share tools with external networks and ILSs / LSPs which FOLIO;
  • the presentation of a new paradigm for publishing and consuming linked data in a distributed and scalable approach; the practical experience of adopting BIBFRAME for transitioning from original UNIMARC records to linked data descriptions.

The event is also posted on ALA 2024 online programme.

Share-VDE and the Share Family linked data ecosystem are developed and driven by libraries and cultural heritage institutions, in an international collaborative, consortial effort. Share-VDE and the Share Family support the library community through the transition from bibliographic data in traditional formats to linked open data, leveraging the cooperation to put linked data workflows into practice.

The adoption of the path of the entity-oriented environment, a collective approach to quality bibliographic metadata and the collaborative development of a common infrastructure benefit all member institutions, with time, expertise and costs shared across the community.

The role of Share-VDE in the linked open data ecosystem is outlined in the Executive Summary; Share-VDE also adopts an Open Metadata Policy, approved by the Advisory Council.

The Share Family approach and technology empower consortia in the transition to linked open data, as outlined in the Executive Summary for Consortia.

For further information on the opportunities, visit or contact

Further documentation and resources are available on the wiki


Library of Congress: BIBFRAME Update Forum

Monday, July 1, 2024: 1:00 PM ET - 2:00 PM ET (10:00 AM PT – 11:00 AM PT)

ZOOM LINK to follow the event

Presentation by Tiziana Possemato:

Fostering BIBFRAME collaboration: interoperability and data curation with the Share Family

The BIBFRAME Update Forum in January, 2024 highlighted BIBFRAME system implementation activities of two of our valuable community institutions: ExLibris and OCLC.

We continue that thrust with an update from the Share Family linked data ecosystem, and its component, Share-VDE.Share-VDE was the first system to make a major commitment to BIBFRAME and has been active with BIBFRAME since 2016.

The several Share Family projects all maintain standardization of BIBFRAME linked data as defined by the Library of Congress and the presentation will emphasize how standard BIBFRAME is a key to our community’s integrated environments as systems proliferate, from both the interoperability and the data curation point of view.

As the Library of Congress gets closer to its own BIBFRAME crossover, a major issue will be the incorporation of many more scripts in bibliographic data.Staff will share information on what to expect, and how to deal with this major enhancement to our data assisted by a tool for transliteration, Scriptshifter.

They will demonstrate its use with the BIBFRAME editor, Marva, and show how it can be used from the web.


Share Family in the CNI Project Briefing Series

We are excited to share our recent participation in the Coalition for Networked Information's Project Briefing Series, where we presented insights from the Share Family initiative's ongoing efforts to advance linked open data and optimize library workflows and services.

Titled "The Share Family: Cooperation and Interconnection for a Sustainable Linked Open Data Ecosystem," our presentation provided an overview of the Share Family linked data ecosystem and its impact on library operations. From cooperative cataloging to advanced metadata management tools and discovery portals, we explored how these innovations are shaping the future of knowledge accessibility.

Recording and presentation slides here


Connecting Knowledge: Linked Data in University Libraries

30 May 2024

Free participation after registration: FORM

The Forum, organised by the Directorate General for Libraries and Digital Information Services (DGBSDI) - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), this year focuses on the exploitation of the principles of the semantic web and linked data to optimise the management of information resources in university libraries, guaranteeing the accessibility of records and promoting interoperability in the digital environment.

11:00 a.m. / 11:30 a.m.

Central Mexican Time (GMT-6)

Tiziana Possemato (@CULT / Casalini Libri) and Anna Lionetti (Casalini Libri) will present the international SHARE Family project; speech: ‘The Share Family: cooperation and interconnection for a sustainable Linked Open Data ecosystem’.


Building a National Bibliography: Models From Around the World

30 April 2024

2:00 - 3:30 pm CEST (GMT/UTC +2)

Online (ZOOM) – free attendance

The webinar is the first in our virtual event series “Topics in National Bibliographies” Track 1: Inside National Bibliographic Agencies.

It aims at delving into the frameworks and foundations of establishing and operating a national bibliography, drawing inspiration from established and successful models around the world and permitting to navigate diverse landscapes and settings.


  • The French national Bibliography: A 213 Years Old Newborn. Mathilde Koskas, French National Library
  • The Philippine National Bibliography (PNB): A Comprehensive Review of Historical Context, Key Figures, Impact and Future Developments, Jennifer B. Dimasaca and Marbilyn M. Egido, National Library of Philippines
  • Structuring a National Bibliography. The series of the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie: Historical Genesis, Current Status and Future Plans, Florian Betz and Katharina Schöneborn, National German Library
  • Current Brazilian Bibliography in the Digital Era, Eduardo da Silva Alentejo, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, and Gabriel Pereira Alves, Brazilian Bibliographic Society

Know more and registerHERE

To stay updated about the Bibliography Section work and activities: MAILING LIST


Share Family Bulletin

The latest issue of the Share Family Bulletin 8 (December 2023) is available HERE

In this Bulletin, we examine the achievements and challenges within the Share Family initiative during the past year.

This report serves as a comprehensive reflection on the accomplishments of 2023, while also offering insights into the exciting goals we’ve set for the upcoming year.

It provides a glimpse into both the highlights of the past and our shared vision for the future within the Share Family community.

HERE the PDF version


LILLIT portal presentation

November 14, 3:30 p.m.

Central Institute for the Unique Catalogue - ICCU

To follow the presentation remotely: Link Microsoft Teams

LILLIT is the portal of printed editions produced between the 16th and 17th centuries that contain illustrations or engravings important from the point of view of book illustration, integrated with an information system responsible for enriching the data and transforming them into Linked Open Data.

Equipped with a simple and intuitive navigation interface, based on BIBFRAME - Bibliographic Framework Initiative, it allows users to consult descriptive data of Italian editions printed between 1501 and 1800 and to obtain information on engraving techniques, names of engravers, designers, creators, and to view digital copies.

The portal was developed by @CULT as part of a research project funded by Sapienza University of Rome, with the collaboration of the Central Institute for the Single Catalogue and the Central Institute for Graphics.


AIB National Conference

Nov. 17 / National Central Library of Florence

11:15 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - Sala Galileo

As part of the Panel "Technology and Information Research in the Library. New Perspectives"

Tiziana Possemato (@CULT/CASALINI Libri) will give the talk:

What Artificial Intelligence does and what it will do in bibliographic data publication processes of the Share initiative


Charleston Conference

The Share Family linked data ecosystem is developed and driven by libraries and cultural heritage institutions, in an international collaborative effort.

The Share Family supports the library community, including individual libraries and consortia, through the transition from bibliographic data in traditional formats to linked open data, leveraging the cooperation to put linked data workflows into practice.

Thursday, November 30th / 11:15 AM – 11:55 AM

Share-VDE and beyond – Cooperation and innovation to bring Linked Open Data into practice

(Event by Jim Hahn - Head of Metadata Research, University of Pennsylvania Libraries, Tiziana Possemato - @CULT/CASALINI Libri, Sebastian Hammer - Index Data President, Nina Servizzi - NYU Libraries)

This presentation conveys how this initiative is guided by member organisations that define vision, aims and progress of its tools and output, through the joint effort of working groups dedicated to specific topics informing the technical developments and the benefits that the Share Family / LOD Platform technology provides.


SWIB23 - Semantic Web in Libraries

11-13 September 2023

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz

Haus Potsdamer Straße, Potsdamer Str. 33 - Berlin

Tuesday, 2023-09-12

@Cult/Casalini Libri in collaboration with Jim Hahn, Head of Metadata Research at the University of Pennsylvania Libraries, will present:

Development of the Share-VDE ontology: goals, principles, and process

Share-VDE (SVDE) is a library-driven initiative which brings together the bibliographic catalogues and authority files of a community of libraries in a shared discovery environment based on the linked data ontology BIBFRAME.

The presentation describes the design process of the SVDE ontology, developed as an extension of BIBFRAME, with the criterion of reusing existing vocabularies where possible to reduce its complexity.


British National Bibliography part of the Share Family!

"The Share Family has supported us through the transition from our traditional MARC data to linked open data. We provided a full copy of the British National Bibliography to the Share team for identification and clustering of entities, e.g. works, publications, persons. Working with colleagues from other institutions on Share-VDE working groups we contribute to the development of the underlying data structures and the presentation of data. This collaborative approach has enabled delivery of the British National Bibliography as the first institutional tenant of the Share Family National Bibliographies Portal".

British National Bibliography (Beta) service


7th BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe!

The aim of the Workshop is to be a forum for sharing knowledge about the practice of, production with, and planning of BIBFRAME implementation, with a focus on the transition from MARC to Linked Data.

The 7th edition will take place at the Royal Library of Belgium (KBR), but the event is in hybrid mode (participation is free of charge, but registration is required).

Tuesday, September 19

@CULT and CASALINI Libri will present: “Share-VDE and the Share Family - Advancements towards production” to illustrate the progress of this community-led initiative of participating libraries, including:

  • an overview of Share-VDE and Share Family background;
  • a focus on the progress of the working groups that inform the benefits that the common Share Family LOD Platform technology supports, to the advantage of the Share Family community and for interoperability opportunities with third parties including ILS/LSP organizations and linked data networks;
  • the demo of JCricket, the tool for entity management and a dedicated editor for linked data editing enabling entity sharing.

On the event's webpage you can find the program and the registration form:

If you have not yet registered to the BFWE mailing list:


WOLFcon 2023!

WOLFcon, the annual conference of the Open Library Foundation, is open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Foundation and the open source communities that are a part of it.

In addition to working meetings, there will be general sessions at the conference that will focus on high level information about the communities and on topics related to open source software in general.

Thursday, August 24, 1:30pm – 3:00pm, we will present:

FOLIO meets Share-VDE: collaborative entity management workflows

In this talk, we present and discuss a proposal for implementing the integration between Share-VDE and FOLIO: specifically, we will use the JCricket API to build a FOLIO application that provides entity editing capabilities.

We will describe the idea, the benefits, and the challenges of such a collaboration between two crucial systems in the bibliographic ecosystem, and how this work might relate to other efforts to make shared entity management a reality in libraries.

More details HERE


Share-VDE Workshop | ALA Conference 2023 | ZOOM Link

For those who can join the session in presence, the Zoom link to register for the webinar is:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The session will be recorded.


Talking Linked Data at ALA

The Share-VDE Workshop, scheduled for the morning of Monday 26th June, will provide an overview of the Share Family and Virtual Discovery Environment, discussing the advantages of a collaborative approach to linked data and knowledge sharing - showcasing recent advancements in infrastructure, interoperability and tools - and presenting progress reports from its working groups, members of the Share Family who play an active and collaborative role in defining the direction of developments through a constant exchange of ideas and principles that benefit the entire Share community.

We are also delighted to participate as contributors at the Library of Congress BIBFRAME Update, due to take place at 1pm (ET) on Monday 26th June.

Tiziana Possemato will address the meeting on the benefits of adopting the BIBFRAME-based entity environment from different perspectives, as she discusses Catering for consortia in the BIBFRAME environment: case histories from the Share Family.

View details in the conference programme


The Roman Union of Ecclesiastical Libraries (URBE) and @CULT announce the release of PARSIFAL

Rome, May 11 2023, at 3 p.m.

Auditorium Giovanni Paolo II

Pontificia Università Urbaniana

PARSIFAL is a system for the management of linked data and an entity discovery platform to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of bibliographic data, increasing visibility and accessibility.
PARSIFAL, whose name symbolically refers to the central figure of the Grail myth, stems from the awareness of the Rectors of the Roman Pontifical Universities to equip the libraries of their institutions with a highly innovative search engine.
The portal, as a single access point to the resources - to date 2.8 million bibliographic records with weekly updates - brings together the bibliographic data and authority entries of the 17 libraries participating in the project.

Moderated by Dott.ssa Agnese Galeffi of Università Sapienza - Rome, the presentation of theproject will include contributions from:

  • Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, Prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education
  • Don Mauro Prof. Mantovani, Prefect of the Vatican Apostolic Library
  • Don Luis prof. Navarro, President of CRUIPRO (Conference of Rectors of Roman PontificalUniversities and Institutions)
  • P. Leonardo prof. Sileo, President of the Roman Union of Ecclesiastical Libraries (URBE)
  • Prof. Carlo Bianchini, Università di Pavia
  • Dott.ssa Tiziana Possemato, @CULT
  • Dott. Stefano Bargioni, Università della Santa Croce
  • P. Silano Danieli, Director of the Governing Council of URBE
  • Dott. Michele Casalini, CEO of the Casalini libri S.p.A. Group

Institutions participating in the PARSIFAL project:

  • Pontificia Università Gregoriana
  • Pontificia Università Lateranense
  • Pontificia Università Urbaniana
  • Pontificia Università San Tommaso
  • Università Pontificia Salesiana
  • Pontificia Università della Santa Croce
  • Pontificia Università Antonianum
  • Pontificio Ateneo Anselmianum
  • Pontificio Istituto Biblico
  • Pontificio Istituto Orientale
  • Istituto Patristico Augustinianum
  • Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Marianum
  • Pontificia Facoltà di Scienze dell’Educazione Auxilium
  • Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II
  • Pontificia Accademia Alfonsiana
  • Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum
  • Centro Pro Unione | |

Press release

SHeriL - Samnium Heritage Innovation Lab

The project, which sees the University of Sannio in the role of leader, is supported by a broad and highly qualified partnership composed of public governance bodies of the territory, public bodies operating in the culture sector, Universities and companies operating in the Internet of Things sector, ICT technologies and in the monitoring and diagnostics sector and restoration.

The Center will use a multidisciplinary approach, which provides for a close interconnection between technical-scientific disciplines and humanities, to develop knowledge, skills, models and operational practices related to what technology, artificial intelligence and digital services can provide to cultural heritage.

Qualified partnership

  • Provincia e Comune di Benevento
  • Direzione Regionale dei Musei Campania
  • Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio Caserta-Benevento
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”
  • Università degli Studi di Salerno
  • Università Suor Orsola Benincasa
  • Università degli Studi di Napoli “Parthenope”
  • Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli
  • Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte
  • Conservatorio di Musica di Benevento “Nicola Sala”
  • Conservatorio di Musica di Avellino “Cimarosa”
  • Parco Regionale del Taburno Camposauro
  • @Cult
  • DigiSky
  • FOS
  • Heritage
  • Innovaway
  • Mare Engineering – SpinVector
  • Minerva
  • R4I
  • TecnoBios

More details


Fiesole Retreat

The Fiesole Collection Development Retreat Series was established on the basis of a shared idea and desire to foster and stimulate dialogue and collaboration within the scholarly publishing sector.

The conference will take place at the Odelya Conference Centre and Hotel, in inner-city Basel, near the Botanical Garden and the University.

Tuesday, May 2

Tiziana Possemato will present: “Linking entities for connecting content – Facilities of LoD Structures”, a speech to present the Share Family initiative that enables institutions to leverage the benefits of connected open data and extend data-driven services.

Info & Programme


Stelline Conference 2023

At the Stelline Conference 2023, Stelline Foundation – Milan, @CULT and CASALINI Libri will present:

March 31th, 2023 | STANZA CAVALIERE (First floor) | 2:00 p.m. / 5:00 p.m.

Share-VDE and the Share Family – an ecosystem based on community cooperation for the management of linked data platforms

This session will present the latest innovations of Share-VDE 2.0 and the Share Family, a system for the management of linked data and an entity discovery platform to facilitate the exchange and interoperability of bibliographic data.

Resulting from the cooperation and valuable contributions of the international library community, this initiative demonstrates the significant benefits of library collaboration for a flexible, sustainable and cooperative approach to data management within the emerging bibliographic ecosystem.


2:00 p.m. / 3:30 p.m.: Presentation of Share-VDE and the Share Family

3:30 p.m. / 5:00 p.m.: Open Conversation

Speakers are available for further details on the topics covered and to provide more information to interested participants


Michele Casalini (Chief Executive Officer of Casalini Libri), Tiziana Possemato (Partner and Director of @Cult and Chief Information Officer of Casalini Libri), Anna Lionetti (R&D Assistant for Casalini Libri), Alessandra Moi (@Cult, Metadata Analyst Librarian)

CASALINI Libri and @CULT will also be present as exhibitors at the stand on the ground floor, location A35

Bibliostar map 2023.pdf

Look beyond - Subject indexing of non-book resources

06 February 2023

Rome, Aula Odeion, Sapienza University of Rome

09:00 / 18:00

International conference organised by AIB CILW / ISKO Italy, with national and international experts in the field, dedicated to subject indexing and classifications.
Among the experiences and projects of the morning session of the conference Tiziana Possemato (Share Family community) will present: "Strings and their semantics: the treatment of subjects in entity modelling processes".

For more info or to register: Look beyond