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Products and Services

Products and services converge toward a common goal: interpret change and meet actual demands. Tools to innovate or improve work methods and processes, always attentive to facilitating adoption and simplifying usage.

LOD Platform 

Highly innovative technological system, unparalleled in its reference market, for the structuring of bibliographic catalogues, organized according to the data model BIBFRAME and the conversion of data into Linked Open Data.

The system allows:

  • the creation of structured data based on distinct records for Persons and Works entities, as defined by BIBFRAME;
  • data enrichment through connections to external projects
  • bibliographic and authority data conversion, according to the standard model indicated by the W3C for LOD, RDF – Resource Description Framework, using sector-specific ontologies selected among those of reference in a global context, both integrated and extended;
  • publication of the dataset in LOD on RDF storage (Triple Store);
  • creation of a portal with interface navigation based on BIBFRAME: Person/Work, Publications (Instances) and Item

Components of technological architecture

  • AUTHIFY, RESTFul module that provides full text search services of external datasets (downloaded, stored and indexed in the system), primarily relative to Authority file (VIAF, Library of Congress Name Authority file, …) but also extendable to other types of datasets. AUTHIFY is composed of two main parts: a SOLR infrastructure for indexing datasets and related search services, and a logical level that orchestrates these services to find a match within the clusters of defined entities (typically Names and Works)
  • CLUSTER KNOWLEDGE BASE, on PostgreSQL database, is the result of the elaboration and enrichment process of data with external sources to the bibliographic catalogue, for each defined entity; typically: cluster of names (authorized and variant forms for Name of Person) and cluster of titles (authorized access points and variant forms for the Title of Works)
  • RDFizer, Hadoop module that automates the entire process of conversion and publishing dataset in RDF format
  • TRIPLE STORE, a database that can be selected among those open source or property based, according to specific needs, for storing RDF files
  • PORTAL SKIN, instance of data publication portal
  • JCRICKET Entity Editor, a new and innovative tool for collaborative linked data entity management and shared cataloguing. It enables - according to the BIBFRAME ontology - entity curation (e.g. creation of new entities, entity modification, the application of entity merge and split functions)


A state-of-the-art Integrated Library System, in line with the new principles of cataloguing and information management.

Manages the entire operative flow: acquisition, cataloguing, lending and publishing of sources on the web.

Scalable, suitable for users of all sizes and types, it is Open, and integrates easily with modules and functions of other systems, it works as a tool for the entire bibliographic universe and the new digital context, in which sources are managed by a vast and heterogeneous community (publishers, or other companies that control and own distribution rights and use, bookstores and distributors, institutes that collect, store and make available these sources).

Functional modules

  • Cataloguing (WeCat) – a software that allows data structuring according to the innovative RDA guidelines and in conformity with the standard of Linked Open Data
  • Circulation (WeLoan) – integrated in one web application, agile and efficient, it supports all functions relative to the circulation of the source
  • Acquisition – to optimize acquisition operations, a system of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been integrated, improving operative workflow management of all entities and typologies
  • Collaboration – indispensable for organizing internal communication; coordinates flows of information thus avoiding any misalignment that could compromise the normal functioning of an institution

Certification SBNMARC: Level 4 


The most suitable OPAC for complex searches but also serves as a guide for those who do not have specific information objectives:

  • Advanced search functions, as well as semantic
  • Scrolling by indexes
  • Download records in various formats
  • User-friendly interface to optimize navigation experience
  • Effective set up and personalization, it adapts to each type of search

Based on Solr and Tomcat search engines, it consists of three modules: Indexer, Searcher and Web. It can easily integrate data and functions from OLISuite or Folio, like authentication, circulation, reservation, …

Open Journal Systems - OJS

OJS is an open-source software system for managing and publishing scientific journals, developed by the Public Knowledge Project to enhance and expand access to such content.

Functional Features of the Service

  • Makes research results and publications accessible to increase readership and contribute to the common good
  • Editors configure requirements, sections, review processes, etc.
  • Optimally indexes research results | Improves the quality of academic and public research
  • Content reading tools, based on the choice of field and editors
  • Subscription module with delayed open-access options
  • Online submission and management of all content
  • Manages all stages of the publication process in a specialized journal
  • Ensures high online visibility for journals through OAI-PMH compliance
  • Email notifications and commenting capabilities for readers